
The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him. ——哀歌3:25


We wait for flowers to bloom, for seasons to change, for growth to happen.

We wait for the microwave, the waffle maker, the clothes dryer. We wait for spring break, for summer to come, for college acceptance letters. 我们在交通堵塞中等待, 等绿灯亮了, 等待重要比赛的开始, 演出就要开始了. We wait at the doctor’s office, the DMV, the airport, in line at the restroom. We wait for test results, a medical diagnosis, for an injury to heal. We wait to conceive, for a child to be born, for the tantrum to be over.

We wait for the roller coaster, the workday to end, the vacation to begin. We wait for the pitch to come, for the market to turn, for the house to sell. We wait during renovations, for the paint to dry, for an accident to clear. We wait on ferries, buses, airplanes, trains, and automobiles.

Sometimes waiting happens overnight, at others during the day. 等待可能只是几秒钟的事,但感觉却像永恒. 反之亦然.

我们可以在悲伤、悲伤、喜悦、平静或困惑中等待. 等待可以是挑战,也可以是自由,或者介于两者之间. We may get agitated while waiting, leading us to impatient anger.

We often pass the time while waiting with eyes glued to a device.

棋牌游戏大全等待,我们的穆斯林朋友教会了我们很多. Beginning this Sunday, more than a billion worldwide will begin the 30-day observance of Ramadan. During this season, the faithful will fast from food and water from sunrise each day to sunset. 他们早晨必为力量祷告, 在白天感谢上帝, and in the evening to break the fast and partake in the feast. They will come together in mosques, celebrating this holy time with their communities.

等待将花费许多分钟和小时. 尝一口食物,喝一口水. Their bodies will growl, ache, and remind them of the time that seems to pass ever-slowly. Patience will be tested, along with endurance, strength, and faithfulness. They will surely face moments of temptation; wonder about breaking the fast prematurely.

And the feast at the end of each day will hold a taste like no other. Not only will food and water nourish, but each bite will be eaten with gratitude and perspective.

Fasting during Ramadan is a spiritual discipline – where the waiting takes on a different measure. This sort of waiting involves growing in relationship with God and one another. 它不是目标导向的、单调的或被动的. A fast serves to remind the faithful of the nourishment that can only be truly given by the One who creates.

这一举动一定有什么神圣之处, as many other religious traditions practice seasonal fasting.

是的,等待是我们生活中必须要做的事情. May we wait with a different lens – seeing the gift that every moment and breath has to offer.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.